Friday, October 28, 2011

Released JAVA 7

The latest version of Java gets its first significany update which mainly constitutes of security patches for across the range of Java products (JDK, Runtime Environment and so on). This critical patch corrects 20 security issues in total.
The vulnerabilities are to be found in update versions 27 and below, so if you are on one of these then you will need to get the update. If you're not sure then go to check, and for more indepth information check the risk matrix which outlines the affected components and attack vectors.
As well as the security fixes, some minor bugs have been squashed too such as Olson time zone data which is now updated to 2011g and Cisco AnyConnect Mobility Client and Microsoft UAG Clients were added to the Blacklist.
Release notes can be found here: 
As always, downloads links can be found here:

Friday, September 2, 2011

What is eclipse software?

When Eclipse was developed?

Eclipse began as an IBM Canada project. It was developed by Object Technology International (OTI) as a Java-based replacement for theSmalltalk based VisualAge family of IDE products,which itself had been developed by OTI.In November 2001, a consortium was formed to further the development of Eclipse as open source. In January 2004, the Eclipse Foundation was created.Eclipse 3.0 (released on 21 June 2004) selected the OSGi Service Platform specifications as the runtime architecture.Eclipse was originally released under the Common Public License, but was later relicensed under the Eclipse Public License. The Free Software Foundation has said that both licenses are free software licenses, but are incompatible with the GNU General Public License(GPL).Mike Milinkovich, of the Eclipse Foundation commented that moving to the GPL would be considered when version 3 of the GPL was released.

What is eclipse?
Eclipse is a multi-language software development environment comprising an integrated development environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-in system. It is written mostly in Javaand can be used to develop applications in Java and, by means of various plug-ins, otherprogramming languages including AdaCC++COBOLPerlPHPPythonRRuby(including Ruby on Rails framework), ScalaClojureGroovy and Scheme. It can also be used to develop packages for the software Mathematica. The IDE is often called Eclipse ADT (Ada Development Toolkit) for Ada, Eclipse CDT for C/C++, Eclipse JDT for Java, and Eclipse PDT for PHP.
The initial codebase originated from VisualAge.In its default form it is meant for Java developers, consisting of the Java Development Tools (JDT). Users can extend its abilities by installing plug-ins written for the Eclipse software framework, such as development toolkits for other programming languages, and can write and contribute their own plug-in modules.
Released under the terms of the Eclipse Public License, Eclipse is free and open source software. It was one of the first IDEs to run under GNU Classpath and it runs without issues under IcedTea.
Eclipse supports development for TomcatGlassFish and many other servers and is often capable of installing the required server (for development) directly from the IDE. It supports remote debugging, allowing the user to watch variables and step through the code of an application that is running on the attached server.
Eclipse provides the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) for developing general purpose applications. The following components constitute the rich client platform:

What is eclipse software?

When Eclipse was developed?

Eclipse began as an IBM Canada project. It was developed by Object Technology International (OTI) as a Java-based replacement for theSmalltalk based VisualAge family of IDE products,which itself had been developed by OTI.In November 2001, a consortium was formed to further the development of Eclipse as open source. In January 2004, the Eclipse Foundation was created.Eclipse 3.0 (released on 21 June 2004) selected the OSGi Service Platform specifications as the runtime architecture.Eclipse was originally released under the Common Public License, but was later relicensed under the Eclipse Public License. The Free Software Foundation has said that both licenses are free software licenses, but are incompatible with the GNU General Public License(GPL).Mike Milinkovich, of the Eclipse Foundation commented that moving to the GPL would be considered when version 3 of the GPL was released.

What is eclipse?
Eclipse is a multi-language software development environment comprising an integrated development environment (IDE) and an extensible plug-in system. It is written mostly in Javaand can be used to develop applications in Java and, by means of various plug-ins, otherprogramming languages including AdaCC++COBOLPerlPHPPythonRRuby(including Ruby on Rails framework), ScalaClojureGroovy and Scheme. It can also be used to develop packages for the software Mathematica. The IDE is often called Eclipse ADT (Ada Development Toolkit) for Ada, Eclipse CDT for C/C++, Eclipse JDT for Java, and Eclipse PDT for PHP.
The initial codebase originated from VisualAge.In its default form it is meant for Java developers, consisting of the Java Development Tools (JDT). Users can extend its abilities by installing plug-ins written for the Eclipse software framework, such as development toolkits for other programming languages, and can write and contribute their own plug-in modules.
Released under the terms of the Eclipse Public License, Eclipse is free and open source software. It was one of the first IDEs to run under GNU Classpath and it runs without issues under IcedTea.
Eclipse supports development for TomcatGlassFish and many other servers and is often capable of installing the required server (for development) directly from the IDE. It supports remote debugging, allowing the user to watch variables and step through the code of an application that is running on the attached server.
Eclipse provides the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) for developing general purpose applications. The following components constitute the rich client platform:

Friday, August 5, 2011

Java tutorials


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What is diffrence between c++ and java?

What is diffrence between c++ and java?
  • C++ supports pointers whereas Java does not.
  • C++ supports operator overloading,multiple inheritance but java does not.
  • Java is platform independent language but c++ is depends upon operating  system, machine etc.
  • Java uses compiler and interpreter both and in c++ their is only compiler.
  • Java has premitive data type like boolean which are not available in c++.
  • C++  does not allow persistence because it does not support database connection while Java allows persistence connection because it supports database connection.
  • C
    ++ is optional automated bounds checking.(e.g. the at () method in vector & string container) but Java is normally performs bounds checking. HotSpot can remove bounds checking.
  • c++ supports multiple inheritance but Java provides interfaces in case of multiple inheritance.
  • C++ standard libraries provide containers and associative arrays but Java libraries is inside the so-called Java Collections Framework.
  • C++ is normally compiled directly to machine code which is then executed directly by the operating system. Java is normally compiled to byte-code which the Java virtual machine (JVM) then either interprets or JIT compiles to machine code and then executes.

Syntax between c++ and java:-
class Foo {          // Declares class Foo
    int x;           // Member variable
    Foo(): x(0) {}   //  Constructor for Foo, initializes x
    int bar(int i) { // Member function bar()
        return 3*i + x;
class Foo {               // Defines class Foo
    public int x;         // Member variable, 
                          //initialized to 0 by default
    public Foo() {        // Constructor for Foo
    public int bar(int i) {// Member method bar()
        return 3*i + x;
Foo a; 
// declares a to be a Foo object value,
// initialized using the default constructor.
// Another constructor can be used as "Foo a(args);"
Foo a; 
// declares a to be a reference to a Foo object
a = new Foo(); 
// initializes using the default constructor
// Another constructor can be used as 
"Foo a = new Foo(args);"
Foo b = a; 
// copies the contents of a to a new Foo object b;
// alternative syntax is "Foo b(a)"
Foo b = a.clone(); 
// copies the values of all members
// of this instance if, and only if,
// Foo implements a public method called
// clone() which returns a new copy of the object
a.x = 5; // modifies the object a
a.x = 5; // modifies the object a

Monday, August 1, 2011




Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling atSun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typicallycompiled to bytecode (class file) that can run on any Java Virtual Machine(JVM) regardless of computer architecture. Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, object-oriented language that is specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere". Java is currently one of the most popular programming languages in use, particularly for server-client web applications.
The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were developed by Sun from 1995. As of May 2007, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun relicensed most of its Java technologies under the GNU General Public License. The Java language is called "oak" after oak tree stood outside Gosling office then it again renamed "JAVA".It is platform independent.It is intended to let application developers "write once and frun anywhere".

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Need for Java!!!!

It is support for w.w.w.& service of the internet to retrieve information in the form of web pages.The motive behind to develop Java language was the need for portable & platform independent language that could be used to produce code that would run on variety of C.P.U.under different environment.Java is a platform independent language that enables you to compile an application on one platform & execute it on any platform.Its saves our time & effort to write the same application on different platform.
To write variety of application we use Java .The few types of Java application are:-

  1. Character User Interface(CUI):- It is executable programs that are controlled by operating system.These applications have an access to the system resources such as file system & can read & write to the files on the local computers.
  2. Graphical User Interface(GUI):-It is used in window environment .In GUI ,you interact with applications in graphic mode.
  3. Applets:- Applets are small executable programs that run on web page . These programs require a Java enabled browser,such as Internet Explorer.Applets are limited access to system resources.
  4. Servlets:-It is to extend the functionality of the web server.It is on server side.
  5. Packages:- It is collection of classes that are reused to by applications & applets. 



Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling atSun Microsystems and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typicallycompiled to bytecode (class file) that can run on any Java Virtual Machine(JVM) regardless of computer architecture. Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, object-oriented language that is specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere". Java is currently one of the most popular programming languages in use, particularly for server-client web applications.

The original and reference implementation Java compilers, virtual machines, and class libraries were developed by Sun from 1995. As of May 2007, in compliance with the specifications of the Java Community Process, Sun relicensed most of its Java technologies under the GNU General Public License. The Java language is called "oak" after oak tree stood outside Gosling office then it again renamed "JAVA".It is platform independent.It is intended to let application developers "write once and frun anywhere".

Java for beginners!: A guide to Java for beginners

Java for beginners!: A guide to Java for beginners