It is support for w.w.w.& service of the internet to retrieve information in the form of web pages.The motive behind to develop Java language was the need for portable & platform independent language that could be used to produce code that would run on variety of C.P.U.under different environment.Java is a platform independent language that enables you to compile an application on one platform & execute it on any platform.Its saves our time & effort to write the same application on different platform.
To write variety of application we use Java .The few types of Java application are:-
To write variety of application we use Java .The few types of Java application are:-
- Character User Interface(CUI):- It is executable programs that are controlled by operating system.These applications have an access to the system resources such as file system & can read & write to the files on the local computers.
- Graphical User Interface(GUI):-It is used in window environment .In GUI ,you interact with applications in graphic mode.
- Applets:- Applets are small executable programs that run on web page . These programs require a Java enabled browser,such as Internet Explorer.Applets are limited access to system resources.
- Servlets:-It is to extend the functionality of the web server.It is on server side.
- Packages:- It is collection of classes that are reused to by applications & applets.